Design with
Fytotextile® system


We study and design considering all the factors that could affect the growth of a Vertical Garden (location, orientation, exposure, thermal variation)
From the result of this studies we will develop the following Documentation 

Auxiliary structure
Modular system
Irrigation system
Lighting study

Plants Design

After producing the technical documentation, we make sure to select plants suitable for your project

Living wall plants design 
List of plants to use
Quantity of plants to use

Technical Support

Our team will assist you throughout the duration of the whole project.

Fytotextile® system

Leaves.AP believes in collaborative work with professional installers, offering their customers the Fytotextile® system and specialized technical assistance from our team.
We will guide you step by step in becoming an official installer Fytotextile®.
Do you want to know more?

Do you want to become official installer?
Contact us
